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Tidthiwisut Ranet:My First Semester At Tsinghua University


Tidthiwisut Ranet (吕帅), Class of 2022 of the Division of Energy Science and Technology, from Thailand.

I am a freshman in Energy Science and Technology division of Tsinghua University. Based on my personal study experience thus far, University life is not only about studying but also about pondering and understanding. In my opinion, the experience itself and the knowledge attained are the true takeaways as opposed to merely the diploma.

Tsinghua has allowed me to improve holistically. I am able to participate in a wide variety of activities from the faculty’s volleyball club to the technology club. There is definitely no shortage of resources here. The school can provide you the necessary resources and mentorship to build and fulfill any idea you can conceptualize. There are also many opportunities to gain real world insights. During my winter vacation the technology club organized a trip to Shanghai where we visited many tech companies. We had the opportunity to have conversations with key personnel such as the CEO and key engineers in each company. I must say it was very nice and a good experience.

Apart from the impressive extracurricular activities, the courses are also impressive. My first elective course was Introduction to Data Science, where our teacher even invited an engineer from Baidu to give us a lecture. This course opened my eyes to the AI world. There are also many other interesting courses, in which students will be given opportunities to enter in contact with advanced technologies in various disciplines.

I have experienced so much in just the first semester and can’t wait to see what the next three years have to offer.

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